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A Comprehensive Guide to Paving a Career in Data Visualization

Data Visualization Career Guide

A Guide to Paving a Career in Data Visualization

If you’re looking to establish a successful career in data visualization, you’ve come to the right place. Data visualization is a powerful tool that can help you analyze and make sense of large data sets.

It can provide insights into trends, patterns, and relationships between data points. With its growing importance in the workplace, there is more demand for professionals with the skills to create data visualizations.

This guide will provide you with the tools needed to develop your data visualization skills and pave a successful career in this field. From understanding the basics of data visualization to understanding the essential tools and techniques, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to become an expert in the field. So, let’s get started!

What is data visualization?

Data visualization is the process of turning raw data into visual representations that can be easily understood by people. Data visualization is used in a variety of fields, including business, marketing, government, and research.

Data visualization career and business intelligence

It is often used when working with data to identify patterns and correlations, or to explore the relationships between different variables. Data visualizations can be as simple as a bar chart or line graph, or as complex as a 3D interactive virtual world.

Data visualization is a growing field and is vital to the success of businesses. It’s one of the data science roles which work closely with data engineers and data scientists.

Data visualization tools

Data visualization tools help to create visual representations of data. They can be used to create static visualizations or to create visualizations for an online platform.

Here are some of the most common data visualization tools in the industry:

  • Tableau – Tableau is a data visualization and business intelligence software that allows users to easily create interactive visualizations, dashboards, and stories with their data. Users can connect to virtually any data source and quickly analyze, visualize, and share information. 
  • Datawrapper – Datawrapper is an online data visualization tool that helps non-technical users create beautiful charts and maps. It lets you upload your data from a spreadsheet or paste it from the web, and then quickly visualize it in a variety of ways
  • Google Charts – Google Charts is an interactive charting library developed by Google for creating data visualizations. It provides a wide variety of charts, such as line graphs, bar charts, area charts, pie charts, and more. 
  • Microsoft PowerBI – Microsoft PowerBI is a business intelligence and analytics platform that provides a comprehensive suite of features for visualizing data and gaining insights.
  • Qlikview – QlikView is an end-to-end business intelligence platform that enables organizations to make informed decisions faster by transforming data into actionable insights.

Data visualization techniques

Data visualization is a way of transforming data into a graphical format to make it easier to understand and interpret. Common data visualization techniques include:

  • Charts – Charts are one of the most common and effective methods of visualizing data. They come in many different forms, such as bar charts, line graphs, and pie charts.
  • Mapping – Data visualization professionals use GIS software to help them visually represent data and information in a meaningful way. By overlaying data points onto a map, you are able to quickly identify trends and patterns that may not be as evident when looking at the raw data.
  • Dashboards – Dashboards are a tool that allows users to quickly and easily explore and analyze data through the use of interactive charts, graphs, and other visual representations. Dashboards provide an intuitive way to visualize data in order to uncover insights, trends, and correlations that would otherwise be difficult to detect.
  • Data Analytics – Data analytics is the process of analyzing raw data in order to draw conclusions and gain useful insights. It involves the use of sophisticated techniques and tools, such as predictive analytics and data visualization to find patterns, correlations, and other trends in data sets.
  • 3D Representations – A 3D representation is a type of graphical representation or visualization of data or information that uses three dimensions to represent the spatial relationship between objects. It is used to convey information in a more easily understood visual format.

Data visualization qualifications

To become a professional in data visualization, individuals should understand data structures and be comfortable working with large datasets. Additionally, they should possess strong analytical skills to be able to make sense of the data and uncover insights.

Data Visualization Career Related to BI

Technical skills such as coding and scripting experience, as well as the ability to use specialized tools like Tableau, PowerBI, or Python, are also essential. Furthermore, proficiency in graphic design, typography, and user experience principles is important to ensure that the visualizations appeal to the target audience.

Having an understanding of the business context and being able to communicate these insights to stakeholders is crucial for success in this field. Finally, the ability to think creatively and strategically will be a valuable asset when creating data visualizations that tell a story, as well as problem-solving to overcome data-related obstacles.

Benefits of data visualization

Why do companies hire data visualization professionals? Here are some of the biggest benefits of data visualization:

  • Discovery – The process of data visualization helps you discover hidden insights within your data.
  • Communication – Data visualization allows for the easy sharing of information, both internally and externally.
  • Purpose – For providing context and meaning to otherwise raw data, this field helps deliver a purpose that may not be as evident when looking at the raw data.
  • Precision – Data visualization allows you to analyze your data with a higher degree of precision.
  • Patterns – When you’re trying to visualize patterns and relationships within your data, charting and graphing your data is usually the first step to success.

Developing data visualization skills

Before you start a career in data visualization, here is what you can do to get started:

  • Practice – Visualization is a skill, and like any skill, you need to practice to get better at it. You can use a program such as Tableau to create visualizations and see how different visualizations represent the same data. You can also check out data visualization challenges that allow you to create visualizations and share them.
  • Take a free course – There are many data visualization resources online, such as blogs and articles, where you can learn from other data visualization experts.
  • Analyze data – One of the best ways to learn how to visualize data is to analyze data. Take a look at the data you have and try different visualizations yourself. Tableau and Microsoft PowerBI both offer free trials to practice data analysis.

Landing a data visualization career

If you’re looking to get ahead, this can help you land a data visualization career:

  • Try to create a portfolio – Create a portfolio that demonstrates your skills and visualizations. You can do this by creating visualizations and putting them on your website or social media accounts.
  • Focus on networking – Networking is one of the most effective ways to find a job. Talk to people in your industry and find out if they know of any opportunities.
  • Build a strong resume – Make sure your resume is up to date and demonstrates your skills and abilities.
  • Search for internship jobs – You can find job opportunities by searching online, networking with people, and applying to positions that interest you.

Data visualization trends

Where is the future of data visualization? Here are some of the trends and opportunities in data visualization to get ahead of the game:

  • Augmented reality – Augmented reality is a type of technology that combines computer-generated images or sounds with real-world elements. Data visualization is becoming increasingly dependent on this technology because it allows for greater creativity.
  • Virtual reality – Virtual reality is a computer-generated environment that can be explored and interacted with using special equipment. It is becoming increasingly useful for data visualization, particularly in the medical and education industries.
  • Artificial intelligence – Data visualization will increasingly be powered by artificial intelligence. It allows for more creativity and freedom when creating visualizations.
  • Big data – Due to the growth of technology and the internet, the rate of data creation is increasing. This is known as “big data,” and it is expected to continue growing in the future. Data visualization is one of the most important tools in dealing with big data.


Data visualization communicates insights. The insights gained by visualizing data can help to establish key trends, identify potential opportunities, and reduce operational risks. Data visualization can help to make complex information more accessible and understandable.

The process of creating data visualizations is a complex one, and it takes a lot of skill and experience. The skills required to succeed as a data visualization professional are extensive and vary depending on the type of data being visualized and the industry in which you work. However, there are some skills that are shared among data visualization professionals across fields.

The employment of data visualization specialists is expected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations. The best way to get started is by gaining knowledge about the different types of data visualizations, their purposes, and how they can be used to improve marketing campaigns. In this guide, you learned how to effectively visualize data and how it can help you succeed in this field. 

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