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How To Score High in Web Vitals Even with AdSense

How To Score High Web Vitals AdSense

How To Score High in Web Vitals Even with AdSense

For some time now Google has been testing a metric called web vitals that aims to track various factors that make up a quality website. When it was first released, web vitals’ primary focus was on things like page load speed and site performance.

With web vitals, Google has made one of the greatest changes to its search algorithm in years. But just how does this affect you as an AdSense publisher? Well, it turns out that using Google AdSense can negatively affect your web vitals score. But it doesn’t have to.

Here’s an overview of how to still make your web vitals shine with a near-perfect score even by showing ads on your website.

A Balancing Act of AdSense Earnings and Web Vitals

The reason why Google AdSense drops your web vitals score is because of the amount of time it takes to load these resources on your website.

So instead of completely removing AdSense ads from your website, you can simply delay the ads from loading for a couple of seconds on your webpage. Alternatively, you can wait until the user takes an action on your page such as clicking out scrolling.

Either of these two methods will significantly boost your web vitals. I’ve tested them. But the only question is how do you implement this technique? The easiest way is by using a plugin like PerfMatters.

And by the way, we are not aware of this having any negative impact on Google AdSense policies, but if you’ve heard it has please add a comment in the comment section below. Also, this can potentially cause lower earnings as well if ads are delayed on your page.

How To Delay AdSense Ads with PerfMatters

I only buy two plugins for performance and speed. And those two plugins are PerfMatters and WP Fastest Cache because it has the benefit of converting images to WebP format. But other WordPress caching plugins can also succeed at doing this.

One of our favorite WordPress plug-ins is PerfMatters because it’s designed to help improve your web performance. It’s simple to use with just ways to turn certain features on and off.

What I use on all my AdSense websites is PerfMatters’ delay JavaScript in the Assets tab. The delay behavior is only for specified scripts, which is adsbygoogle.js. The delay timeout that I use is 3 seconds, which has given me the most success in web vitals.

Perfmatters Javascript

How To Score High in Web Vitals Even with AdSense

While web vitals is an excellent resource that allows you to check your site’s overall health in terms of speed, mobile responsiveness, accessibility, and more…

Your website just won’t score well if you’re serving ads with AdSense.

This is why I recommend checking out what PerfMatters has to offer for its delayed JavaScript frameworks and much more than this too. And don’t forget that it takes 28 days of field data so don’t expect an immediate change in your score!

Today, we listed PerfMatters as an option to shut higher in web vitals, but there are other WordPress plugins out there that can help you do the same such as WP Rocket and Flying Scripts.

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